Neubrandenburg Tax Office – the tax office for pensioners abroad

Since 1 January 2005, new rules have applied to the taxation of pensions. Pensioners who are resident abroad are also affected by this. Neubrandenburg Tax Office is responsible for individuals whose place of residence or habitual abode is not in Germany, but who receive pension payments from Germany.
We hope that this website will provide answers to your questions regarding the taxation of German pensions for people living abroad.
If you still have unanswered questions after consulting our website, please use our contact form to get in touch with Neubrandenburg Tax Office directly. Please note that the tax office staff are only able to communicate with you in German.
Discontinuation of option to pay by check
Starting in 2022, the Deutsche Bundesbank will limit this procedure significantly, and the option to pay by check will be discontinued in the foreseeable future.
For this reason, from 14 January 2022 onwards, the Neubrandenburg Tax Office will no longer cash the following checks:
- Checks that are not issued in euros
- Checks in euros that are not drawn via a German bank
Please consult with your bank regarding the best way to proceed. The Neubrandenburg Tax Office anticipates that German banks will impose further restrictions, which may cause check transactions to be completely discontinued at short notice.
Please use alternative methods of payment.